Picture by Caprice
human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is
with the body of Christ.” – 1
Corinthians 12:12
At first glance you might think you’ve just stepped in to a
game of scrabble. Quick! How many words can you spell with the letters
you see? I think I came up with
nine. Pretty good, I suppose, since
there is one vowel – two if you count the y.
If only there were more letters
to choose from. That is always the case when we discover that pieces are
missing. In this picture it’s the rest
of the letters on the keyboard. What if
it were one of the keys on a piano? Or
perhaps a screwdriver in the tool box?
Or a mixer in the kitchen? Or
caffeine in the morning? These are some
important items that have very specific purposes. It’s interesting how use we get to these
items being around and never miss them until…..we need them! Oh the words we could spell, the music we
could create, the screws we could tighten, the batter we could mix and the
awakening we could have, if only these items were present.
It is amazing how we can take for granted things that seem
to be just a natural part of us. That
can especially true with the gifts God has given us. We convince ourselves that what we do is no
big deal. “Anyone can do that.” We tell
ourselves. Then we focus our attention
on the gifts of someone else and begin wishing we had that gift. Soon we may even find ourselves focused so
intently on the gifts of someone else; we completely neglect discovering our
own and try to duplicate theirs.
God gave us our unique gifts for a reason – to use for His
purposes and glory. These gifts can be used
in tandem with others in the body of Christ….in the church. Hospitality, encouragement, prayer,
administration, logistics…..these are gifts that so many seem to take for granted
in themselves and don’t understand how they can be used to further God’s
kingdom. By not recognizing and
utilizing these gifts for His purposes, we may be that missing component that
could really do some great things to take turf for The Kingdom. Who knows, you may be just the one needed who
can make that stranger coming into the parking lot feel like they are coming
home with your gift of enthusiasm. Or
when they walk into the building, your gift of hospitality welcomes them with
cold water or hot coffee along with a welcoming smile. Perhaps because of your logistical gift,
you’ve helped create a clean, clutter free environment that is comfortable for
new guests and old friends to get together.
No matter how apparent the gift is or isn’t, you can be a participant in
the most exciting party anywhere. It’s
the party going on when another person says yes to Christ.
You see, it’s not just the easily identifiable gifts of
singing, playing instruments or teaching God’s word that creates the body of
Christ. It is all of us with our unique
gifts and abilities, and every gift is important. Don’t neglect or take yours for
granted. Know that there is a place
waiting for you to utilize your gift. Recognize your gift and ask God to lead you in
using it for His purposes. Do your part
in taking turf for The Kingdom by serving in His House with the gifts He has
given you.