Monday, September 29, 2014

Just A Squirrel Tryin To Get A Nut

Picture by Caprice Miller

When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.”   Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.” – Luke 19:5-6

As I looked at this picture I was so taken by the contrast of the grays and browns of the tree against the bright blue sky that I almost missed the furry little guy in the middle.  I’m the kind of person that enjoys watching squirrels scamper around.  I watch how they interact with each other and I laugh at how they seem to enjoy tormenting the dogs at times.  Looking at him I’m reminded of lyrics in a song – “It’s your world and I just a squirrel tryin to get a nut.”  (Everybody Dance by Bob Sinclair)  This little guy also reminds me of a guy mentioned in the book of Luke – Zacchaeus.  In a way you could say he could probably have related to those song lyrics too.  He may have thought of himself as “just a squirrel tryin to get a nut” although his means were not very honest. 

 The Bible tells us that Zacchaeus was the head tax collector in the region of Jericho.  He was basically working for the Romans and taking money from his own people, the Israelites.  And to add insult to injury, he was known to be very dishonest about it and took much more than he should.  Needless to say, he was not a favorite person among the people of Jericho.  But in spite of his transgressions, there was something in him that obviously stirred when he heard Jesus was passing through the town.  It was such a stirring that it caused him to run ahead of the crowd and climb a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus for himself.  For a man of his position this was an extremely undignified thing to do.  You know that it must have been REALLY important to him to see Jesus if he went to such undignified means to do so.  Perhaps this undignified activity is what drew the attention of Jesus to him.  In the verse above we see that Jesus stopped, looked up in the tree, called him by name and then proceeded to invite himself over to the guy’s house for dinner. 

It’s important as your read the Bible to slow down sometimes and really consider what is being said.  As I slow down here I have to ask,

·         How did Jesus know his name?  He just came into town. 
      ·        And if he knew his name, wouldn’t He also know that he was not an honest man? 
      ·         Why wouldn’t Jesus choose the house of a nice, hospitable person to go to? 
      ·         After all, what would people think?

What I then realize is that this is Jesus.  Why wouldn’t he know the name of Zacchaeus?    He knows all.  And yes, He knew the little guy was a notoriously dishonest man.  And yes, He could have gone to the house of any nice, hospitable person.  And of course, he knew this choice would not be popular among the gossipers – the Pharisees. (Those that thought themselves to be more appropriate host of the “nice and hospitable” nature probably) This was not the first time Jesus encountered this reaction.  We see in Matthew 9 another occasion He decided to befriend a tax collector – his future disciple, Matthew.  Jesus response to the Pharisees who asked the disciples, “…Why does your teacher eat with such scum?” – Matthew 9:11 was this:

 “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” 13 Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” – Matthew 9:12-13

 We are all sick in some way, shape or form.  But too many times we don’t recognize our illness.   Zacchaeus knew he was sick and that he was doing wrong.  When we sin, when we are wrong, we instinctively know it too.  There are times when we would like to ignore it and pretend it’s not there, but the reality is that we know what is wrong and we also know that God knows.    If we allow ourselves to pause we also realize that Jesus is passing by in our own lives.  We know we want to get a glimpse of Him, but that transgression in our lives seems to get in the way.  We even convince ourselves that we are too sick or too messed up to see Him anyway.  But if can choose to climb above that sin, that transgression, that wrong in our lives we can discover that Jesus already knows all that.  He also knows our name and He still wants to come into our house and spend time with you. 

As you continue to read in Luke 19 you see that because of his encounter with Jesus Zacchaeus became a changed man.  He determined to correct his wrongs and give back four times as much as what he had taken.    That’s what happens when we humble ourselves enough to recognize the sickness in our lives and choose to spend time with Jesus.  We can experience healing and restoration of that relationship with Him that leads to amazing life change.   And really, you don’t even have to climb a tree – Jesus sees you already and knows your name. That’s how truly special you are to Him.  

Saturday, September 6, 2014

True Freedom

Picture by Caprice Miller

 “For, there is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.  He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.  This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.” – 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Lady Liberty….well, a replica anyway.  But no matter how small she may be in this picture, what she represents is still very significant.  As we know, the real Lady Liberty stands tall in the middle of Ellis Island.  For so many years this statue has been a beacon of hope to those seeking an opportunity for a better way of life in this “Land of Freedom” called America.  For those of us who are blessed to be a part of this land, we can take for granted the freedoms we have and ability to pursue our dreams that it offers.  We can also take for granted that this freedom we have was not free.  Many have sacrificed their very lives so that we can continue to have hope and pursue those dreams.  We forget that this freedom that has been fought so hard and valiantly for is something that others in the world want to steal, kill and destroy.  Why would anyone want to take away freedom?

It really isn’t a surprise that there are those who want to steal something they don’t understand and have never experienced.  Having a relationship with Jesus Christ can be met with the same disdain by those who don’t know Him and have never experienced Him.  They don’t realize that He told us what the enemy was doing then and what he continues to do in our world today.  Jesus also told us what His purpose in our lives is.  He said:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10

Those who haven’t experienced Him look from the outside and assume that being a Christian is all about a list of “don’ts and can’ts” and if you cross the line on any of those rules and regulations, you’re doomed.  The reality is that we have ALL missed the mark – sinned.  The enemy would like for us to live a life full of hopelessness, shame and despair that the realization of our mistakes – sin brings.  Sin has created a gap…a chasm between God and humanity.  It has robbed us of our freedom and damaged the relationship that God so desires to have with us.  Jesus bridges that gap to enable that relationship to happen. Jesus came to this world, died a sacrificial death and then defeated death through His resurrection so that we could have freedom from that sin and the hopelessness, shame and despair it brings.  This freedom allows us to have a relationship with God Himself!   He provides us the opportunity to live in the freedom and peace that His forgiveness and grace brings.  Jesus is the path to true freedom and destroying the enemy’s attempts to kill, steal and destroy the freedom and peace only Jesus can provide. 

The world we live in today is full of people being used by the enemy to carry out his mission of killing, stealing and destroying.  There is a lot of fear that can come with this - fear that will rob us of our freedom. Know that your freedom in Christ is so much stronger than whatever the enemy can sling.  Grab on to the peace He provides and determine today to live a life NOT of fear, but one of abundant love and joy in freedom. 

If you haven’t accepted the free gift of freedom Jesus provides, here’s how you can do that right now:

Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and that I have messed up from time to time. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that God raised Him from the dead. I choose to follow You, Jesus, and I confess that You are my savior. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me and giving me freedom. I love You. Amen.” 

Now, tell somebody so they can celebrate with you and get involved in a local church so you can be encouraged by others.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Run Your Race

Picture by Caprice Miller
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” – Hebrews 12:1
I don’t know about you, but when I see advertisements about races such as the one above my first thought is usually NOT “Hey, I want to do that!”  Typically it’s more like “Note to self, avoid that area on that day.”  But then I see pictures of the participants and the crowds cheering them on as I watch the news and I feel a little tug inside that seems to say “Aaawww, they look like they had fun.  I could have done that.”  But alas, I’ve missed the opportunity and continue on with my normal, everyday routine.  Although, now I have a twinge of inspiration that has been lit inside so in the back of my mind I make another note – “Note to self, find out when the next one will be.”   Who knows if I will actually sign up.  But I’m encouraged by Caprice’s comments of her own experience:
“In the 5K ... well... I didn't come in last.” – Caprice Miller
But at least she was IN the race.  Way to go, Caprice!  So many times we don’t even attempt these types of challenges because of the thought that if we can’t win, then why try?  We forget that it isn’t about the win, it’s about the journey and the experience of being a part of it.  The ability to declare, “I was there!  I ran that race and I’m here to tell you about it!” 
This is the same declaration we can have as we run the race in the verse mentioned above.  God has given us this life for a reason.  Many of us search endlessly for what that reason is.  Much of that search though consists of comparing ourselves to everyone else and what they are doing. There is a race that each of us has been designed to run.   But we sometimes get stuck in the comparison game and tell ourselves that if we can’t run the race like someone else, then we just won’t run at all.  As a result, we never get off the couch of life so that we can step in to that race God has marked out for us.  We miss the cheers of the crowd encouraging us and giving us inspiration as we run our race.  We also miss the opportunity to witness life change as we influence others to begin the race God has for them.
The excuses for not being in the race are endless.  We don’t like to talk about our race – it’s private.  We think we aren’t needed – there are already others doing it.  We think we might do it wrong.  In other words, we let fear stop us before we even get on the track.  Could this be the day that we stop comparing ourselves to others and stop allowing fear to dictate our lives?  This is what the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”   Could this be the day that we get off the couch we’ve molded ourselves into and begin the race designed for us?   God has provided us with exactly what we need to run that race.  He has also provided that crowd to cheer us on and encourage us.  They are already running the race or have even completed their race in life.  And as we run our race for Him, it will be the inspiration someone else needs to begin their race. 
That’s really what this race is all about.  Letting others know what God has done for us and about the relationship we have with Him.  Letting them know that they can experience that relationship too and begin their own race.  The life change we will experience in our own lives and witness in the lives of others will be just the adrenalin rush we need to continue on in our race.   And when you look back on it all you too can declare, “I was there!  I ran that race and I’m here to tell you about it!” 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Talk About It

Picture by Caprice Miller

“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates,” – Deuteronomy 11:18-20

What a sweet baby calf!  It is incredible to think that this baby could actually stand within an hour of its birth.  Imagine trying to keep up with that child after it gets comfortable on its own legs.  This momma cow has to start teaching fast!  Every baby in the animal kingdom has certain instincts that come naturally to them.  But they are still dangerously curious about certain things.  They don’t yet know they should stay away from certain fences because it can hurt them.  They don’t know not to play with the slithering “stick” on the ground because it could bite them and hurt or even kill them.  And, of course, they don’t know to stay away from certain cows in the herd because they are just mean.  And then there are basic skills as they grow such as the best places to get water and graze.  And make sure you aren’t late to the “hay party” that Farmer Joe throws every day.  You don’t want to get left out of that one.  There are all sorts of things this baby has yet to learn as it grows and matures.   Momma has a big job ahead of her.

As a mom, I’m grateful my daughter wasn’t walking by the time she was an hour old.  I needed time to take the parenthood thing in for a while.  I remember that moment of panic when I was left alone with her for the first time – that was 18 years ago!  “What if she cries?  How do I know if it’s a hunger cry or a wet diaper cry or a gassy cry?  Oh God, please just let her sleep and not cry!  I’m not sure if I’m prepared for that yet.”  Even before this moment though, I recall another “cry out to God moment”.  When we learned we were having a girl, I immediately thought of those pivotal teenage years and I began to pray right then.  “Oh God, please help me to teach her how special she is in Your eyes.  Help us to raise her and guide her in the path You have created for her.”  We had been blessed with such a gift and we needed His guidance NOW!

The verse above is a directive to the Israelites.  He knew this was a fickle crowd and they needed a strong reminder for their lives and parenting skills. God was reminding them to not have short memories about the miracles they witnessed as He lead them through the desert and to remember the commandments they were given.  Not only were they not to forget, but they were told to share it with their children.  Earlier in the chapter they are reminded of why it was important to share this with their children.  Their children were not witnesses to the miracles that brought them out of Egypt and to the Promised Land.  They didn’t witness the manna each morning that just appeared on the ground for them or the water coming out of the rock and so much more!  And if the children were not told, how would they know?  How would they understand the reverence and love they should have for their Creator if they aren’t taught?  It amazes me that they would have to be reminded to tell these stories.  It’s as though God’s miracles had become so common place to them that they just took for granted that these things always happened to everyone.   And yet, we do the same thing in our own lives today.

It is said that Christianity is only a generation away from extinction.  If the story of the amazing love and grace of God is not shared with our children, we could be responsible for that.  The enemy would like for us to believe that whatever relationship with God we have is just between ourselves and Him.  NOT TRUE!  How can we keep such a thing to ourselves?  He loves us so much that He does miraculous things in our lives every day.  So much so that we take them for granted just like the Israelites did.   Stop and take an account of the blessings in your life and thank God for them right now; let that gratitude overflow so much so that it can’t be kept quiet.  And as you do, tell your children!  Do as the verse says – talk about these things as they lie down and get up, as you’re walking, or just sitting around talking.  Let them know of your love for God and the miraculous things you have witnessed in your life so they can become that next generation sharing His love with others.  The daily survival skills of life are important to teach our children.  But to help them know and understand God’s love for them is really the most important lesson we could ever share with them. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Picture by Caprice Miller

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” – Psalm 145:18

In case you didn’t recognize it, this picture is of an older model cell phone.  This lit up key pad was all the rage back in the day.  And that wasn’t really that long ago when you think about it.    How did we ever survive life without our “fingertip communication” capabilities?   Today we can make calls and send text from anywhere.  And who needs a map anymore?   We have maps at your fingertips that will not only light up that path you should take, but in a very pleasant voice, tell you exactly how to get there.  And when you get to your destination you can “google” whatever local happening and restaurant to make sure you get the most out of your time.  And, of course, you are never out of the loop with the latest world news and much more importantly, social media news. Seriously, how did we ever survive without being constantly connected?  Today, our biggest fear is that our power charge goes out or we can’t get service.

I’m so thankful that we don’t have to worry about losing power or service when it comes to our connection with God – the true source to the answers we need.  In our society of instant connection, we seem to forget that we have actually always had an instant connection to the true source for our answers.  Perhaps it is the ease of this access that makes us forget about it at times.  The reality is that we can truly talk to our Creator anytime and anywhere.  From the beginning God has always desired a relationship with us – a connection.  Unfortunately, we have a way of allowing life’s circumstances to distract us from this direct line to God.  We search and search for the answers everywhere else.  It seems when we finally decide to turn to God it’s as a last resort instead of the first response.  Sure, it may sound too simplistic when you first think about it.  Our instinct tells us that we have to DO something on our own and many times that equates to worry and anxiety about our circumstances.  This is what Paul had to say about that: 

“ Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” -    Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

Perhaps this connection to God through prayer is something new for you.  Maybe it seems as though there should be a certain way to do it or that you have to use “thee and thou” or you have to be on your knees all the time.  After all, this is GOD we’re talking to – the Creator of the universe.  That is one of the great things about prayer.  God just wants us to talk to Him – He wants a relationship with us.  That’s what the word “truth” in the verse above is about.  He doesn’t want ritualistic words and posturing – He wants YOU.  He already knows what is going on in your life and what is in your heart.  But He wants you to open up to Him on your own – not because you think you have to, but because you love Him and you know He loves you.   He wants you to have the answers you’re seeking and that peace you are striving so hard for. 

The circumstances we encounter in this life can really cause us to spin out of control at times.  The answers to our problems will not be in flashing neon.  The answers are right in front of us though.  We can have them through a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  We have the ability to have a constant open line to God.  He will answer you.  Perhaps it will be through a word from your pastor, perhaps it will be from a friend who is also connected to Him also or perhaps it will simply be from His whisper in your heart as you spend time talking to Him.  Whatever manner, expect answers because you have called. Maybe it won’t be an immediate answer either.  Perhaps it is an answer that comes after spending some time with Him.  Just don’t take for granted His accessibility.  He is always near – just start talking to Him. 


Monday, June 23, 2014

The Art Of Peace And Quiet

Picture by Caprice Miller

 “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.”  – Psalm 4:8
Poor baby horse is tired!  I’m sure many of us can relate.  There are times when I seem to be on the go for so long and then I hit the preverbal wall and just need rest.  But those “go, go, go” seasons of life don’t allow much time for rest.  Even “hitting the wall” doesn’t always provide the true rest we need.  Our bodies may be still, but our minds are constantly spinning with what may be next on the agenda.  Even if there isn’t a “next” we keep thinking about what is supposed to be next that was left off the list. 

The culture we live in today has a hard time turning off and not thinking of “the list”.  With technology at our fingertips we don’t have to turn off.  The world and our lists are always there to keep us company.  The art of peace and quiet seems to be on its way to extinction.  There are many who are even disturbed by silence.  To them it is really a deafening “sound”.    Perhaps it is a fear of being alone or having to think about the thoughts that might occur in our minds during the silence or perhaps it’s the unusual sounds that are naturally heard in silence.  Whatever it is, there is a lack of peacefulness like the horse in the picture seems to be experiencing.  Perhaps it sleeps so well because its mother is watching over it.  Maybe that’s the key.  Do we trust God enough to leave the list in His hands?

The Psalm above is one that King David wrote while he was distressed about turmoil going on around him.    David knew he had to keep a watch over his shoulder constantly because he never knew who might try to stab him in the back – literally and figuratively.  So to declare that he could find peace in the Lord so he could lie down and sleep was huge.  Do we trust Him enough to lie down and sleep in peace? 

I’ve noticed that when I don’t trust my list and issues to God, I really have a difficult time resting.  I even dream about the list and issues I just won’t give to Him.  When I wake up, I realize I’ve been thinking of them all night and my rest was anything but peaceful.  I know that my rest is important and without it, my mind is not focused where it needs to be.  My creativity is non-existent.  My attitude is less than stellar.  Basically, I begin to just exist from day-to-day rather than live the life God intended for me.  Wow, who knew peace and quiet could be so important?   In another Psalm we are reminded of another reason it’s important:

“Be still, and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation.   I will be honored throughout the world.” – Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

Think about it.  If we don’t trust God enough to give Him our list and issues, there could very well be a lack of peace that prevents us from being still so we can know God and find rest.  By being still we are able sense God’s voice in our hearts.  As we recognize His voice we begin to trust Him more and more. As we trust Him, we honor Him in our lives.  As others see this happening in our lives, they just might be inspired and influenced to do the same.  Before you know it, a giant ripple effect will have occurred.  We will witness God being honored in every nation and throughout the world.  And just think, it could all start with us.  Do you need a peaceful sleep tonight?  Go ahead, trust Him and enjoy the peace and quiet of being still.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Picture by Caprice Miller

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”  - Galatians 5:22-23
AAAHHH…. the brand of the Lone Star state.  I won’t deny it, I’m a proud Texas girl through and through.  As I’ve met people from around the country and even the world, I’ve noticed an interesting reaction when I tell them I’m a Texas girl, “born and raised”.  Some just seem to think “Uh, that’s great.” And move on to the next subject.  Others seem a little surprised and even more surprised when they find out I’m actually a 4th or 5th generation Texan.  When I go out of state or country, people seem to make a connection of “I thought you were a Texan” as we chat.  You would think it could be the accent that’s the dead giveaway.   However, I have much less of an accent than most of my family members.  (Although it does become stronger when we’re together.)  But it seems to be more of a collection of character traits that mark a Texan than an accent, I have discovered.  There is a sense that people get when they meet a Texan vs. what they think they know about a Texan.  There is just something that is expected to be “different” about us.

 It could be said that to know a Texan is to love a Texan.  (Disclaimer:  As with any family, there are….challenges to this statement.)   I can’t always pinpoint what it is, but I can say that my daddy would be that example of a good Texan.  He was a 6’4” teddy bear of a real man’s man.  He loved God, he loved his country and he loved his family. He could build a house, plant a big garden and brand a herd of cattle all in a day’s work.  (Okay, perhaps over a weekend.)  He was kind and gentle, but do NOT mess with his family.  He wasn’t arrogant, but he was the one everyone sought out for help and advice.  His wisdom was legendary.  You would come to him and pour out your problem and he would just listen.   After you were done he would draw a deep breath in and say in his deep, baritone Texas accent, “Weeeelll, I’ll tell ya….”  Followed by very wise and Godly advice.  Whether you took it or not would be up to you, but you knew he would still love you either way.  He also loved my momma deeply until the day the Lord took him home.  He was truly a man of great character. 

Come to think of it, the character traits in the verse above pretty much describe my daddy to a tee.  Hhhmmm,  I suppose that while you might think that he was just a great example of what a Texan should be, which he was, he was more of an example of what a Godly man should be.  Now, he would be the first to tell you that he was not a perfect man, but any credit given to him would be attributed quickly to what God did in his life.  Because of his and my mother’s love for God, it was easy for me to come to know and accept Christ into my own life.  I’m so thankful for such a great example of someone who allowed the Holy Spirit to develop those spiritual fruits in his own life.  He was known by them.  It really was like a brand on his heart.   I didn’t realize it at the time, but that example would hugely influence my own relationship with God.  I wanted that brand too. 

I’m so grateful for the brand my daddy had and taught me of.  You see, while he was a great example of those character traits and taught me about them, he couldn’t actually give them to me as part of my genetic makeup.  I had to make the choice to accept that gift of Christ in my own life, just like daddy did.  And each day I ask God to work in me so that His brand on my heart will shine, just like daddy did.   Daddy left a legacy to his family.  It inspires me every day to continue that legacy.  Not only with my own family but with others I meet too.  I want to share what I’ve been given so others can experience life change through Christ too – I want to share the brand.   I can’t help but think what might happen if each of us would allow God to work in us so His brand shines.  Imagine the life change we would experience.  Imagine the influence we could possibly have in the lives of others.    Sure, I’m a really proud Texan who is proud of her heritage, but the brand on my heart is not a lone star, it’s a cross.   I pray it shines brightly and that yours will too.        

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Who's Thirsty?

Picture by Caprice Miller

“Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.  But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”” – John 4:13-14

I do like knowing where I am when I travel through a chain of small towns.  If you miss the town marker on the side of the road you can always look for the water tower to let you know where you are.  It’s funny how we think of these things as more of a town “identifier” than where their water supply is stored.  When you think about it most of the town’s people probably never even consider the water supply location as they turn on their faucets and find flowing water every time.  We live in a society that tends to take this basic commodity for granted.   It’s only when it stops flowing from the faucet that we realize how we could be inconvenienced without it.    In that moment we realize all the things we can’t do:  brush our teeth, wash clothes, wash dishes, wash our hands, bathe and/or shower, cook, clean, drink it, swim in it, water the lawn, wash the car, wash the pets – the lists goes on.  We forget so easily that we can live without water for only a few days.   Not to be overly dramatic, but we would literally die without it!   

I have to confess, I’m guilty of taking something so simple and yet so important for granted.  I turn on my faucet and never think twice about it.  I reach for a bottle of water when I get thirsty and never consider that I could be without.  But a lack of water can literally bring us to a life or death moment.  What would I do if I lived somewhere that I had to actually GO to get my water?  I know I would certainly not take my water supply for granted if I had to struggle to make sure my family had enough. 

It’s hard to think of Jesus as thirsty, but He was living in that human body in a time when people depended on the town well to draw their daily supply from.  In the verse above, Jesus was the thirsty one at that moment when the Samaritan woman came up and He asked her for a drink.  She didn’t know it, at the time, but she was really the thirsty one here.  Jesus drew her into conversation and gently let her know that He knew all about her.  She didn’t seem surprised though.  I’m sure the way she lived her life was not a big secret in the town.  But He didn’t judge her.  He just helped her understand how thirsty she was.  Not for the water in the well, but for “Living Water” that would never leave her thirsty again.  As He revealed that He, the Messiah, was the source of this Living Water, she left her water jar and RAN to tell others about Him. 

This Living Water is one that can be taken for granted too.  As Christians we have a way of going about our business feeling satisfied with the water Christ has given us.  Meanwhile, we live among so many who are in that life or death moment and need the water we can bring them by introducing them to what we have – Christ.  Perhaps it’s the simplicity of coming to Jesus that can cause us to become complacent and just forget to share that Living Water.  After all, we know where the supply is, why wouldn’t others know?  And wouldn’t they tell us if they needed it?   People don’t realize they are thirsty, they just know they are missing something really important in their lives.   We should remember that our relationship with Christ is not a “one and done” thing.  Once we invite Him into our lives, we called to share that water.  We are told in Matthew 28:19 to GO AND TELL.  (I paraphrase)   Jesus came for all of us, but not everyone understands that.   We can’t keep this water to ourselves while people are dying of thirst.  Please take a lesson from Jesus’ approach to the Samaritan woman.  Who do you know who needs this water?  Don’t be afraid to just open the door to a conversation.  It’s about introducing them to a relationship with Christ – the source of Living Water.  It’s important!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dr. Pepper And Windshield Wipers

Picture and D.P. story by Caprice Miller
 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.  - Colossians 2:7

"During the 1920s and 1930's era, research was discovered proving that sugar provided energy and that the average person experiences a letdown during the normal day at 10:30a.m., 2:30p.m. and 4:30p.m..  A contest was held for the creation of an ad using this new information. The winner of the ad campaign came up with the famous advertising slogan, "Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4."  AND I LOVE IT! - Caprice Miller

It is so interesting to hear the back stories about iconic things.  Chances are you never put much thought into the “10, 2, and 4” picture on a Dr. Pepper can or bottle.  Who knew the story behind it went back so far?  Even so long ago someone was figuring out how important it was to take a break.  In this case, it was suggested to take a break to drink in some energy from sugar.  (Later, they would discover the “sugar crash”, but that’s a different subject.)  In any case, it causes you to stop and think.  As I do, I start noticing other things around me and wonder what the story is behind them.  So many everyday items have a backstory to the invention that we don’t consider.  For example, according to , in 1903 Mary Anderson came up with the idea of a device that could be operated manually from within a car to clear water from the windows while driving in the rain.  Even though it was very effective, the windshield wiper design wasn’t actually adopted until 1922.  And aren’t we thankful they did!

How many things do we take for granted every day?  Today’s lifestyle is such that it is difficult to slow down at times.  As a result, we can forget how truly blessed we are.  But to truly get the effectiveness out of life that God intended us, we have to take time to slow down and take in our surroundings so we can be reminded of those blessings.  It’s important to look up from our phones and computer screens and take note of where we are and who we are with.  When we are intentional about doing this we might actually discover some things we have neglected being thankful for.  Things such as the simplicity of the air we breathe, the colors that make up nature itself, the smell and taste of the food we eat or the companionship and love of friends and family who are in our lives.  Recognizing these blessing helps to grow those roots the verse speaks of. 

Perhaps we should consider incorporating a little of Dr. Pepper and windshield wiper concepts into our lives.  Start with the concept of 10, 2 and 4 – be intentional at those times during the day about stopping to be thankful for something.   Ask God to clear the windows of your mind and eyes so He can show you the beauty of the world He has created for us.  Ask Him to clear your heart to appreciate the people He has put in your life.  By taking a break at 10, 2 and 4 we can begin a habit of slowing down and remembering to be thankful.  I’m pretty sure that the gratitude we experience will be so overwhelming that we can’t help but share the experience.  Soon we will be overflowing with thankfulness and realize how truly blessed we are.    

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wake up and Stand Up!

Picture by Caprice Miller

“But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.  This is why it is said:  “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” – Ephesians 5:13-14

What a happy face this guy has!  Someone really got their creativity on the day this piece was created.  It’s amazing what people can find to do with stuff anyone else would have thrown away.  But there are some that just look around at random pieces and parts and see…..well…..a colorful “Muffler Man” with a smiling face.  Their creative senses are awakened at that point and instead of just thinking about it, they actually make it happen.  That seems to be the most amazing part – putting a random idea into action.  That’s how inventions are born.  Someone sees something, their mind starts clicking with an idea and they can’t stop until they attempt the idea.  It’s as if their minds are always awake and working.  This is a person that could make the rest of us tired just watching them. 
Many of us would probably admit to being part of the group that may have an idea, but instead of going with it and doing something to make it happen, we stay put and just keep thinking about it…..dreaming about it….sleeping on it.  We are probably just tired of watching that other person working on their own idea.  But the reality is that life doesn’t always make it easy for us to put those dreams and ideas into action.  It’s easier to just not tax ourselves with anything additional on our “to-do” list.  So, we go about our day with our heads down and tail up just checking off the tasks at hand and eventually letting that idea or dream drift away.  It was just a random, passing thought anyway.

There are times when those ideas and dreams may not be as random and far-fetched as they seem though.  Because we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), it makes sense that we would be creative ourselves.  Not all in the same manner, but in different ways from artistically to organizationally, musically to “culinary-ly”.  That is the beauty of God’s design and it makes life so exciting.  However, most of us miss this really exciting aspect of life because we don’t always see our creativity as such. Instead, we become complacent with our unique creativity and get stuck in the rut of tasks and sleep through the life that God has for us.  It’s time we take the verse above to heart and “Wake Up!”  God has put so many extraordinary things around us, but we take them for granted and have become increasingly “underwhelmed”.  It’s a shame that in order for us to be amazed at His wonders we have to be hit over the head with them at times.  It doesn’t have to be that way.

As you “Wake Up!” today, know that God would like to shed some light on you and your surroundings.  Stand and lift your head up so you can take in what He has placed around you.  Recently I had the opportunity to help, along with MANY others, with the world’s biggest chalk drawing of Jesus (17,000 sq. ft.) in the parking lot of Fellowship Church.  Jesus Chalk Drawing  I had been on my hands and knees diligently coloring in the square I was assigned to for some time.  It was a big square!  I finally took a moment and stood up to give my knees a rest.  As I did I looked around and realized how enormous this drawing really was and how small I seemed in that moment comparatively.  I literally stood in awe!  Sometimes we have to stand up and take notice of our surroundings in the midst of our tasks.  When we do, God will wake us up and open our eyes to what He is doing around us.  It may seem enormous and overwhelming in the moment.  But when we allow Him to take the lead, He makes it come together.  And when we allow Him to do that, it is always so much better and shines so much brighter.   Whatever that idea or dream is, step out to make it a reality and let God lead.  Let Him be glorified through it all and know He wants to shine on you.  And then be ready to stand in awe of Him and life He has orchestrated.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Let's Share

Picture by Caprice Miller

“The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.” – Proverbs 27:9

The aroma of popcorn is immediately recognizable.  Just the scent is enough to help complete a movie experience.   Even if you don’t consume it yourself, you can still enjoy the buttery goodness just from the smell. The sense of smell can be so sensitive and can trigger a variety of emotions.  There are just certain things that are so pleasantly familiar that it kind of gives a sense of comfort just to recognize the smell.   For example, the smell of cinnamon and vanilla reminds me of Christmas and some amazing family memories.  And the smell of Old Spice reminds me of hugs from my daddy.  You’re probably thinking of your own “trigger scents” right now. 

In a similar way, time with friends also gives us that sense of comfort.  When we spend time with great friends we walk away with a renewed sense of joy.  We look forward to the next time we get together and we feel encouraged.  Time spent with great friends makes you want to be a better friend too.  The right friends in our lives should be reflective of what my pastor calls the “Right THEY”:

Tough – they’ve got your back and you can depend on them.

Honest – they will be honest and truthful even if it may hurt a little…in love.  Sometimes we need help hiding that little touch of crazy we might have.

Encouraging – they build you up and remind you of what’s important and what your blessings and gifts are.

Yielded – they are yielded to God’s direction in their lives, so it’s natural they will help you stay on track with God’s direction in your life too.
The right THEY in our lives are like the pleasant smell of “perfume and incense” the verse above speaks of.  These friends help us to maintain perspective when life may be spinning.  They share our joy when something great happens.  They share our sorrow when we need a shoulder to cry on.  When we can’t remember what our blessings are and what truths God has for us, these friends help us remember.  Yes, they laugh with us, cry with us, celebrate with us, encourage us and point us in the right direction when we might find it hard in the moment to hide our crazy. 

For some, you may have a whole group of friends that fit into this THEY category.  For others, there may just be one or two.  In any case, take a moment to thank God for them.  And then, take a moment to thank them for being that THEY in your life.  Perhaps this would be a great time to share some popcorn and create more memories.       

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Frozen In Your Tracks

Picture by Caprice Miller

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”  – Luke 6:45

It must have been REALLY cold on this day in order to freeze water like this in mid-stream.  What a great picture it made though.  It makes you wonder how long this water ran before it froze.  It almost seems like it could have been the work of a fairy tale character with special “freezing powers”.  I wonder if the character would be considered a hero or a villain.  A hero might have frozen the water they couldn’t get to the spout to turn the water off, so they just froze it to save time and more wasted water.  A villain may have frozen the water because they were just annoyed by the sound of running water or maybe wanted to stop the water supply of a village.  That’s just wrong!  These motives could tell us a little about the character of….the character.  Is the heart of the character good or evil?

What does your character say about you?  The verse above gives some insight to how we can recognize what kind of character a person has.  I wonder if the hero in the scenarios mentioned before ever had their character misjudged because of their actions or words in a heated moment.  Fear and anger can sometimes cause us to act out of our normal character.  Acting out of character could be enough to “freeze” those around you wondering “What in the world just happened!?”  In contrast, a person of a more “villainous character” doesn’t really worry about being misjudged.  They use a common practice of “freezing” those around them to maintain control.  Others are not sure what will happen or what will be said next.  Everyone else is in a constant state of “walking on eggshells” so that this person will not turn those freezing powers on them. 

We have all experienced times of frustration that pushes our buttons.  The difference is what the actions that occur from the button pushing say about the character of our hearts.  Do we feel a quick sense of remorse realizing that our actions have “frozen” someone in our lives?  Or have these actions and words become a common practice that is to be expected from us without remorse?  These questions will determine the next action that takes place – an apology that leads to a thawing and reconciliation or simply moving on deciding that others should just learn to stay out of your way….let them stay frozen. 

The thought that should really freeze us all in our tracks is something that Jesus warns us about in the following verse.  He expands on the message of what is stored in our hearts and warns us of the consequences: 

35 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. 37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” -  Matthew 12: 35-37

Our words and actions are powerful and can be used to build others up or tear them down…freeze them.  Sure we can find ways to justify why a person may have needed to be “frozen”. But what we choose ourselves makes a difference in the lives of others. It also reveals what is truly in our hearts. 

Take a moment to rewind your mind and reflect on the words and actions of the past days.  What do they say about what’s stored in your heart?  Does it freeze you in your tracks to think you might have to answer for those words and actions?  If so, ask God to clean your heart and replace what is there with His goodness.  The result will be an overflowing of His love from a grateful heart.