Monday, June 17, 2013

For Such A Time As This

Picture by Caprice Miller

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14

Today’s picture brings all sorts of creative thoughts to mind.  The colors God puts in His creations always amaze me.  I always look forward to the Spring when we finally get to witness the beauty of His flowers in all their glory.  This particular picture has an interesting back story though.  It wascture was taken in the middle of JANUARY.  Why would this beauty show itself in the middle of one of the coldest months of the year?  Seriously, the next freeze in Texas could happen in the next hour and these beauties will be gone!  Perhaps the purpose is just to give Caprice something to find beauty in and take a picture of.  Maybe it is there for such a time as this that we can see this beauty and think a little deeper about life and it’s Creator. 

In the Bible the book of Esther tells the story about a young woman who found herself in an unexpected place at a very dangerous time.  The entire Jewish nation was in danger of being wiped out and she would be included in their demise.  But as the queen, she was in position of enlightening the king to the real plot behind this decree.  (This is a really interesting story.  Read it.  Esther in the Bible.) Esther had a lot of fear about speaking to the king though.  She would have rather remained in her place and not draw attention to herself.  But she was convinced by Mordecai that she may be in the position she was in for a time such as this.   Not to give away the story, but she accomplishes the task and saves them. 

Who knows, perhaps we are in the position of life we are now “for a time such as this”.  Esther wasn’t aware of any plot to harm her and her people until it was brought to her attention.  Many times, we are not aware of circumstances around us either.  Perhaps it isn’t to wipe us out, but someone around us may be in need.  So many times we go about our daily routines just not wanting to draw attention to ourselves.  We never realize that so many around us need what is keeping us going as Christians.  Perhaps, like the daisies and Esther, we are in the position we are in “for a time such as this”….to lift our heads up, pay attention and reach out to someone else and introduce them to what you have – Jesus. 

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