Saturday, November 2, 2013

Learning from the past

Picture by Caprice Miller

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” – Hebrews 12:1

It’s no secret that Texans are a proud crowd.  We have a history of persevering and thriving in spite of adversity.  Our history is very important to us.  We understand that we need to remember how we have come to this point.  The mural in this picture reminds us of how the city of Ft. Worth came to be.  It was a major point along the Chisholm Trail where cattle were being transported between Texas and Kansas – A.K.A. – Cattle Drive Texas style.  This is just one way that Ft. Worth displays their history proudly so everyone can be reminded. 

The past is fascinating in so many ways.  You may have noticed how popular it is to research family genealogy.  Besides the interesting stories it may produce, knowing where you came from can be beneficial.  True that it may be a little disturbing finding out that your great, great, great grandfather was a stagecoach robber.  But for others it could be encouraging to find that your ancestors were key figures in the advancement of our country.  You just never know what you can learn from the past.

That is what the verse above talks about.  If you read in Hebrews 11 just prior to this verse, the writer goes through a list of Biblical icons reminding us of the faith that brought them through the circumstances they went through.  On this side of history it is easy to see what the outcome would have been if they had not trusted and stepped out on faith in God.  Sure God could have worked through another, if He chose to, but these were the ones chosen and they had faith to follow His direction. 

What a history to look back on and learn from.  So many times we go through circumstances and feel as though we are the only ones who have ever endured what we are going through.  But the pages of the Bible are full of people who went through something quite similar.  That is one of the great things about the Bible.  It tells us the raw and real of the story.  We can learn from the mistakes of these icons as well as their triumphs.  We can see God’s hand in their lives as well as the grace and mercy He provided them.  Still today, He offers the same to us. 

Many times we can get lost in our own past.  This can be especially true if the past is one of bad choices and circumstances.  What do you think would have happened to some of these Biblical icons if they had gotten stuck in their past?  Moses could have labeled himself as “not good enough” and never lead the Israelites out of Egypt.   David could have thought of himself as “just a shepherd boy” and never have stepped into his anointing to be the next king of Israel.   The list could go on.  The point is that they looked to God instead of their past and circumstances and allowed God to use them in mighty ways.  He is still doing that today.  Everyday lives are transformed from the “what could have been” to “what God can do”.   Allow Him to turn your eyes away from the past so you can look to Him.  Take the lessons needed from the past and move forward to the amazing future God has for you.  Take that step of faith to let Him lead you in His direction for your life and know that there is a huge crowd cheering for you. 

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