Saturday, February 22, 2014

Marketing The Best

Picture by Caprice Miller

“I will praise you as long as I live,  and in your name I will lift up my hands.” – Psalm 63:4

It’s hard to see how this guy would not get the attention of passersby.  Who wouldn’t have a double-take of a 50 foot blue gorilla waiving his hands in the air?  At that point, we have a choice of reactions.  We can either speed past this monster because it looks like it wants to eat us OR we could stop at the establishment it has taken residence atop of and see what this “Grand Opening” is all about.  Whatever decision is made, the point is that you are not going to miss this thing.  It is getting a reaction out of us one way or another.  This is basically marketing 101.  Getting the attention of a potential costumer is step 1.  Bringing them in to the establishment is step 2 and helping them to realize what you have is what they can’t live without is step 3. 

When you look around at our society today, this technic is being used from the simplest of technics to the most outrageous.  Whatever it is, our goal is to make people want what we have.  It is human nature to just be drawn to things that entice us so much that we can’t help but check it out at least.  And if it is really compelling, we can become consumed with it.  That’s really what worship is.  Whoa!  Isn’t that supposed to be reserved for God?  Worship is actually a part of our design.  We were created with a desire to worship, be consumed by, be in fellowship with, to follow our creator.   But, with anything meant for God’s purposes, the enemy has a way of hijacking it and twisting it to make it something else.  Today, we can easily find ourselves worshipping a sports team, a celebrity or even the pursuit of the all-mighty dollar (commonly referred to as “success”).  We don’t exactly call the action “worship”, but upon closer examination, if we are honest with ourselves, it’s worship.  We become captivated by it, our attention is immediately drawn to anything about it, we want to learn as much as we can about it, it’s what we talk about the most, it’s what gets us excited.  By definition, to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing).” (according to, we worship.

So, what does worship have to do with marketing 101 anyway?  Well, if we have something that we know will be life altering for anyone who has it, we should never keep that a secret.  And yet, somehow many have decided that when it comes to letting others know about the amazingness of God, “marketing” is off limits.   But when we think about it, there is no better product to market than a relationship with our Creator through Jesus Christ.  We have to realize that our very lives and what He has done for us is marketing.  We should understand that if we follow Him, our lives are supposed to be as such that if someone looks at us, they want what we have.  They wonder how we can praise and have joy in the midst of certain circumstances.  They wonder why we choose to be in His house each weekend and during the week.  They wonder where some of the encouraging words we offer come from.  We can all be used as God’s marketing tools, if we allow ourselves to.   We have to ask ourselves though, is our relationship with Him close enough to be used to attract someone else?  We have something in our lives so much more worthy to market than what is in our world.  Don’t limit how God can use you by not sharing it.  Praise His name in private as well as in public.  Love out loud to show His love for others.  Let others see that you have something they need for themselves – a relationship with their Creator.