Thursday, October 24, 2013

Being Missed

Picture by Caprice Miller

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.”  – 1 Corinthians 12:12

At first glance you might think you’ve just stepped in to a game of scrabble.  Quick!  How many words can you spell with the letters you see?  I think I came up with nine.  Pretty good, I suppose, since there is one vowel – two if you count the y.   If only there were more letters to choose from. That is always the case when we discover that pieces are missing.  In this picture it’s the rest of the letters on the keyboard.  What if it were one of the keys on a piano?  Or perhaps a screwdriver in the tool box?  Or a mixer in the kitchen?  Or caffeine in the morning?  These are some important items that have very specific purposes.  It’s interesting how use we get to these items being around and never miss them until…..we need them!  Oh the words we could spell, the music we could create, the screws we could tighten, the batter we could mix and the awakening we could have, if only these items were present. 
It is amazing how we can take for granted things that seem to be just a natural part of us.  That can especially true with the gifts God has given us.  We convince ourselves that what we do is no big deal.  “Anyone can do that.” We tell ourselves.  Then we focus our attention on the gifts of someone else and begin wishing we had that gift.  Soon we may even find ourselves focused so intently on the gifts of someone else; we completely neglect discovering our own and try to duplicate theirs.

God gave us our unique gifts for a reason – to use for His purposes and glory.  These gifts can be used in tandem with others in the body of Christ….in the church.  Hospitality, encouragement, prayer, administration, logistics…..these are gifts that so many seem to take for granted in themselves and don’t understand how they can be used to further God’s kingdom.   By not recognizing and utilizing these gifts for His purposes, we may be that missing component that could really do some great things to take turf for The Kingdom.  Who knows, you may be just the one needed who can make that stranger coming into the parking lot feel like they are coming home with your gift of enthusiasm.  Or when they walk into the building, your gift of hospitality welcomes them with cold water or hot coffee along with a welcoming smile.  Perhaps because of your logistical gift, you’ve helped create a clean, clutter free environment that is comfortable for new guests and old friends to get together.  No matter how apparent the gift is or isn’t, you can be a participant in the most exciting party anywhere.  It’s the party going on when another person says yes to Christ. 
You see, it’s not just the easily identifiable gifts of singing, playing instruments or teaching God’s word that creates the body of Christ.  It is all of us with our unique gifts and abilities, and every gift is important. Don’t neglect or take yours for granted.  Know that there is a place waiting for you to utilize your gift.   Recognize your gift and ask God to lead you in using it for His purposes.  Do your part in taking turf for The Kingdom by serving in His House with the gifts He has given you. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Don't Be Scared

Picture by Caprice Miller

   “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”   – 2 Timothy 1:7

 This picture looks like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, “The Birds”.  It’s not often that a moment like this is captured.  Chances are you’re recovering from a near heart attack before you remember to get your camera out.  (Way to be steady and ready, Caprice.) Caprice did mention that “the word on the street was that the cow in the picture used to be solid black.”  It’s interesting how so many of us love a good scare occasionally.  I’m sure that’s why Hitchcock was so successful and so many suspenseful movies are such big box office hits.  For some, though, being scared or fearful is no laughing matter.  Fear has been known to cause physical and psychological harm.   It has also been known to stop someone from stepping out and becoming the person God intended them to be.  

Here’s a thought to ponder:  In many cases, not all, the psychological effects of fear could bring about more harm than the actual reality of what is feared in the first place.  For example, we never saw the monster under the bed, but it was certainly scary in our minds.  As we grew older we were petrified as adolescents by what others might be thinking of us.  The reality was probably that either they weren’t thinking of you, they had positive thoughts about you or they were just wondering the same thing about you.  And as adults, fear detours our dreams and aspirations so we never step out to try what we truly desire because of the fear of failure.  We end up being on the sidelines of life cheering for those who have defeated fear and look at them with a twinge of envy wishing we had the courage to do the same. 

When Paul wrote to Timothy, he was reminding him of something similar.  In Timothy’s case it was encouraging him to not be afraid to profess Christ in his life.  As Christians, it seems to be easy to forget that we are living life from a place of victory that has already been won through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  How exciting is that!  And yet, so many of us approach life with what Paul calls “a spirit of fear and timidity…”  Imagine what we could do if we actually lived in that spirit of “…power, love and self-discipline.”  We would have the courage to step out and pursue that dream that God has placed in our hearts.  We would pray high-risk prayers and not fear that God might actually answer them.  And we might just influence others in our life to know Christ as we do because we are actually giving Him the glory for this new found courage. 

Be encouraged today.  Don’t allow fear to paralyze you and prevent you from stepping out into God’s purpose for your life.   Ask God to help you tap into that spirit of power, love and self-discipline as you step out from a place of victory in Him.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Don't Be SAD

Picture by Caprice Miller

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

For some, the winter season is considered bleak.  Everything seems so lifeless and bare.  You don’t even have to be outside to feel the cold; just look at a picture like this and that chill runs down your spine.  There is the possibility that those who hold this opinion of winter may also have had to experience it too long at a time.  For those who live in the northern part of the country where winters are long and cold , this could be very true.  There is even a condition named for it – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).   It is brought on by a lack of sun and outdoor activity for a long period of time.  Treatments for it actually include making sure you spend time in the sun, exercise in order to release those “feel good” endorphins and increasing the light around you.  It is easy to imagine how being separated from sunlight and activity can have a negative effect on a person’s outlook.   (Hhhmmm,  seems to be a message in there somewhere.)
For others, this picture is a scene of serenity.  You may not even notice the barren nature of the trees because you are so focused on the beauty of the sunset beyond them.  You are able to see the hope in a scene such as this because you recognize that winter is just a season, even though it is cold and dreary at times.  The future is bright though, because spring is coming.  For those that may be experiencing symptoms of SAD, it is important to not become annoyed with our friends that can see the beauty of the sunset beyond the dead-like trees in the forefront.   Chances are that they have experienced their own SAD season as well. 

As Solomon reminds us, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under the heaven.”  - Ecclesiastes 3:1.  It’s helpful to remember this on our journey in the Christian life.  We can get caught up in believing that we aren’t supposed to experience “winter seasons”.  But we do.  The interesting thing is that it’s in those winter seasons that we can learn the most.  Circumstances happen, it is up to us to choose how we view them and react to them.  Will we let the cold overcome us and see only futility in the situation?  Or will we look beyond the trees and see hope beyond the current circumstances?   Choose to enjoy the view beyond the trees.  Soon, the season will change.  Soon, the warmth of the sun will be felt again.  Soon, the grass will be green again and the flowers will bloom again.  One of the most interesting things about the winter is knowing that beneath the cold surface and within the seemingly dead trees there is life waiting to bloom.  So it is with us. We will go thru seasons of life that are cold and dreary.  Don’t lose hope during these times.  God is working something just below the surface that will be beautiful and amazing when it blooms in us.  Hold on to His promises knowing another season will come. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Don't Be Confused

Picture by Caprice Miller

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

Talk about a mixed message.  Can you leave the cardboard or not?  If you do, will it still be acceptable if you forget to flatten it?  Are there certain kinds of cardboard that may or may not be left?  With messages like this, it’s hard to tell.  It’s concerning to think that a rule might be broken if it’s not “presented” correctly.  I would probably end up just taking my cardboard back home with me.  Who knows how many “would be cardboard tossers” have turned to hoarding due to this confusing message!
Okay, perhaps I’m exaggerating a bit.  The point is that if a message is too confusing and the rules keep changing people become frustrated and just leave.  Simple instructions are the best instructions.  Chances are that there was a simple message to begin with.  But then someone decided to change the rules which created confusion. 

It seems this is an historical problem when it comes to the truth of God too.  In the name of religion, confusion has been created through legalistic rules.  As a result, those that would have been coming to hear about God’s love and grace through Jesus instead receive a confusing message.  In many cases it’s a message that someone perceives as not being good enough for Jesus.  It’s sort of like the cardboard confusion.  “Okay, you can bring your cardboard here as long as it’s flat.”  (A.K.A. – “Okay, you can come in as long as you match our criteria.”)  Only to come back to find a note posted that says, “No, you may not leave your cardboard here any longer.” (A.K.A. – “Sorry, we’ve changed the rules.”)  No wonder so many are so confused about what it means to be a Christian and what the path to Heaven is. 
If we read the words of Jesus, the red ones in the Bible, He gives simple instructions.  He tells us that He is the way to God.  Not “A” way, but THE way.  There is no confusion there.  In fact, Jesus tells us in John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  Those “whoevers” mean just that – WHOEVER.   The reality is that if someone wants to have a relationship with God, Jesus is the way to do that.  It’s as simple as ABC – Admit, Believe, Confess.  Perhaps you have been searching for that place to “bring your cardboard” – your trash, so to speak, and just leave it.  You can do that right now just by saying this simple prayer:

Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and that I have messed up from time to time. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that God raised Him from the dead. I choose to follow You, Jesus, and I confess that You are my savior. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. I love You. Amen.” 
That simple prayer is the step needed to be in a relationship with God and secure your place in heaven with Him.  Don’t keep this to yourself.  Share this decision with someone and get involved in God’s house.