Saturday, August 2, 2014

Run Your Race

Picture by Caprice Miller
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” – Hebrews 12:1
I don’t know about you, but when I see advertisements about races such as the one above my first thought is usually NOT “Hey, I want to do that!”  Typically it’s more like “Note to self, avoid that area on that day.”  But then I see pictures of the participants and the crowds cheering them on as I watch the news and I feel a little tug inside that seems to say “Aaawww, they look like they had fun.  I could have done that.”  But alas, I’ve missed the opportunity and continue on with my normal, everyday routine.  Although, now I have a twinge of inspiration that has been lit inside so in the back of my mind I make another note – “Note to self, find out when the next one will be.”   Who knows if I will actually sign up.  But I’m encouraged by Caprice’s comments of her own experience:
“In the 5K ... well... I didn't come in last.” – Caprice Miller
But at least she was IN the race.  Way to go, Caprice!  So many times we don’t even attempt these types of challenges because of the thought that if we can’t win, then why try?  We forget that it isn’t about the win, it’s about the journey and the experience of being a part of it.  The ability to declare, “I was there!  I ran that race and I’m here to tell you about it!” 
This is the same declaration we can have as we run the race in the verse mentioned above.  God has given us this life for a reason.  Many of us search endlessly for what that reason is.  Much of that search though consists of comparing ourselves to everyone else and what they are doing. There is a race that each of us has been designed to run.   But we sometimes get stuck in the comparison game and tell ourselves that if we can’t run the race like someone else, then we just won’t run at all.  As a result, we never get off the couch of life so that we can step in to that race God has marked out for us.  We miss the cheers of the crowd encouraging us and giving us inspiration as we run our race.  We also miss the opportunity to witness life change as we influence others to begin the race God has for them.
The excuses for not being in the race are endless.  We don’t like to talk about our race – it’s private.  We think we aren’t needed – there are already others doing it.  We think we might do it wrong.  In other words, we let fear stop us before we even get on the track.  Could this be the day that we stop comparing ourselves to others and stop allowing fear to dictate our lives?  This is what the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”   Could this be the day that we get off the couch we’ve molded ourselves into and begin the race designed for us?   God has provided us with exactly what we need to run that race.  He has also provided that crowd to cheer us on and encourage us.  They are already running the race or have even completed their race in life.  And as we run our race for Him, it will be the inspiration someone else needs to begin their race. 
That’s really what this race is all about.  Letting others know what God has done for us and about the relationship we have with Him.  Letting them know that they can experience that relationship too and begin their own race.  The life change we will experience in our own lives and witness in the lives of others will be just the adrenalin rush we need to continue on in our race.   And when you look back on it all you too can declare, “I was there!  I ran that race and I’m here to tell you about it!”