Thursday, May 23, 2013

Holy Toledo - Look At That Cow!

Picture by Caprice Miller

“God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.”  – Genesis 1:25

The next time you are out and about, take a moment to look around and notice how many amazing examples of creativity there are from THE Creator.  Think about it.  The birds – how do they stay in the sky?   What purpose was the ant made for?  How and why do the creatures have the shape and color that they do? The list of creativity and details could go on and on.  I can’t think of these things too long at a time though because my brain becomes overwhelmed with it all.  I look at one thing and that leads to another thought and then another and then I just have to stop.  Not because of frustration that I don’t have the answers of how or why, but because I’m overwhelmed with AWE.  How amazing is it that we can have a relationship with a God who created these things that we take for granted every day! 

As the part of His creation made in His image, we all have a creative ability – just in varied aspects. It could be with technical knowledge, organization or maybe one of the “traditional creatives” such as art, music or writing. Too many times, however, instead of appreciating our own creative ability, we focus on someone else’s and how we can get theirs.  It’s important to remember any creative ability is a gift from God.  I can’t waist time wondering why I don’t have someone else’s ability when I can be using my own….the one I may be taking for granted right now.   Whatever creative ability it is, it has been given as a gift.  Let’s focus on using our gifts wisely by showing our appreciation to God and to His glory and encourage others along the way.  Then we can be in awe of Him in a new way….what He can do through us if we let Him.   

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