Friday, November 22, 2013

The Light

Picture by Caprice Miller

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  - Psalms 119:105

This picture is a sweet reminder of that time of year that so many love - Christmas.  Beyond the crowds, activities and shopping, there is the beauty that we see everywhere we look.  It seems that our world becomes a spectacular spectacle of sparkle and splendor.   Some even experience the phenomenon that Dr. Seuss’s character, the Grinch did when his heart grew 3 sizes from the joy and love he heard coming from Whoville.   And in the midst of it all is the reason for the season – the celebration of the birth of our savior – The Messiah – Jesus Christ.  That makes it even more appropriate to have such beautiful lights on display.  After all, He is the light of the world.  (John 8:12)  What a blessing that we can read about His life in the pages of the Bible.

The Bible – God’s Word – is, for lack of a better word at the moment, amazing.  It truly is the greatest story ever told.  For many, though, it can be a confusing collection of stories with lots of difficult to pronounce names and strange occurrences of plagues, talking donkeys, and miraculous healings.  But if we take a closer look we will realize that there is a single thread that runs through the entire document.  It is the story of the Creator of the universe who desires to have a relationship with His creation – humans – us.  In the beginning we see how He actually walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden.  Can you imagine how amazing that must have been!?  But as it always does, sin caused a separation from God.  Throughout the Bible we see evidence of God unfolding a plan for that separation to be closed so that we could be in relationship with Him.   Jesus was actually the plan all along for us to have a full access relationship with our Creator.  Full access to God through Jesus - that reality of truth can be overwhelming at times if you allow yourself to really take it in.   How does this even work?  Thankfully, God’s word is there to assist us in our walk with Him by providing lessons and truth in the Bible for us.  Like David attested to, God’s Word provides “…a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” as we walk with Him each day. 
Today, if you haven’t before, take a closer look at God’s Word and the truths and lessons He has given us in it. Let it take hold of you.  Ask God to reveal something new in it that you may have not noticed before.  And thank Him for the plan from the beginning to send Jesus to bridge that separation for us.   

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