Friday, June 7, 2013

Have a doughnut

Picture by Caprice Miller

12“I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’”  31The people of Israel called the bread manna.  It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.  – Exodus 16:12 & 31

Is it a coincidence that today’s “random picture” just happens to be of “THE hot light”?  I think NOT!  After all, it’s National Doughnut Day!  This is an occasion to celebrate, so let’s get to it!  Let’s not forget to thank God as we celebrate this momentous occasion.  I find that pretty easy since I thank Him with every melt-in-your-mouth bite.   (YYYYYUUUUUMMMM!!!!)
As I read about the Israelites in the desert, I was reminded of how hungry they were. (Sadly, they didn’t have doughnuts.)  But wait!  God literally rained down manna from heaven every morning for them.   (Manna literally means “What is it?” in Hebrew.)  The Bible tells us that it tasted like it was made with honey – maybe they did have something like a doughnut.   Every morning it was as if they had their own “hot light from God” letting them know that fresh manna was ready for pick up.  In the midst of their hunger when nothing else was available, God provided for their needs in a sweet way.  He does the same for us still today.   Many times we might wish He would be a little quicker about it, sure.  But then He teaches us that His perfect timing is always best.  Otherwise, we could take it for granted and forget to acknowledge that He is the Lord our God. 

 I have to say that some of the best things I have ever eaten have been when I’ve been the most hungry.   Strangely enough when I eat the same thing when I’m not so hungry I don’t have the same reaction.   That’s also how it is with God’s word….”the bread of life”.  When we get to our lowest and hungriest points in life, we choose then to take in His word and let it nourish, comfort and give us direction.  But then when we aren’t as hungry, we set it aside and don’t pay much attention to it.  But why wait until we get to that hungriest, lowest point to take in His word.  I don’t know about you, but I need His nourishment every day.  My prayer is that God would give me a hunger for His word – bread of life – daily; not just when those hunger pains of life hit.  That’s why His word is there.  We shouldn’t treat it as though it’s a “National Bread of Life Day”.  Let’s take it in daily and allow it to nourish and guide us so we can guard against life’s hunger pains now and never take it for granted.    

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