Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dr. Pepper And Windshield Wipers

Picture and D.P. story by Caprice Miller
 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.  - Colossians 2:7

"During the 1920s and 1930's era, research was discovered proving that sugar provided energy and that the average person experiences a letdown during the normal day at 10:30a.m., 2:30p.m. and 4:30p.m..  A contest was held for the creation of an ad using this new information. The winner of the ad campaign came up with the famous advertising slogan, "Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4."  AND I LOVE IT! - Caprice Miller

It is so interesting to hear the back stories about iconic things.  Chances are you never put much thought into the “10, 2, and 4” picture on a Dr. Pepper can or bottle.  Who knew the story behind it went back so far?  Even so long ago someone was figuring out how important it was to take a break.  In this case, it was suggested to take a break to drink in some energy from sugar.  (Later, they would discover the “sugar crash”, but that’s a different subject.)  In any case, it causes you to stop and think.  As I do, I start noticing other things around me and wonder what the story is behind them.  So many everyday items have a backstory to the invention that we don’t consider.  For example, according to www.vehiclewatch.net , in 1903 Mary Anderson came up with the idea of a device that could be operated manually from within a car to clear water from the windows while driving in the rain.  Even though it was very effective, the windshield wiper design wasn’t actually adopted until 1922.  And aren’t we thankful they did!

How many things do we take for granted every day?  Today’s lifestyle is such that it is difficult to slow down at times.  As a result, we can forget how truly blessed we are.  But to truly get the effectiveness out of life that God intended us, we have to take time to slow down and take in our surroundings so we can be reminded of those blessings.  It’s important to look up from our phones and computer screens and take note of where we are and who we are with.  When we are intentional about doing this we might actually discover some things we have neglected being thankful for.  Things such as the simplicity of the air we breathe, the colors that make up nature itself, the smell and taste of the food we eat or the companionship and love of friends and family who are in our lives.  Recognizing these blessing helps to grow those roots the verse speaks of. 

Perhaps we should consider incorporating a little of Dr. Pepper and windshield wiper concepts into our lives.  Start with the concept of 10, 2 and 4 – be intentional at those times during the day about stopping to be thankful for something.   Ask God to clear the windows of your mind and eyes so He can show you the beauty of the world He has created for us.  Ask Him to clear your heart to appreciate the people He has put in your life.  By taking a break at 10, 2 and 4 we can begin a habit of slowing down and remembering to be thankful.  I’m pretty sure that the gratitude we experience will be so overwhelming that we can’t help but share the experience.  Soon we will be overflowing with thankfulness and realize how truly blessed we are.    

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